Thursday 12 September 2013

The Wild Youth story (1976-1980) and growing up in Apartheid era South Africa.

'Wild Youth started in March 1978 but the story began a year before. We grew up in the suburbs along the North Coast about ten miles away from Durban. Wild Youth was born out of boredom, my friend Mark Dyson and I bored out of our skulls sitting in his lounge listening to Rolling Stones records. Sometimes our friend Peter Kunst would join us but he had a girlfriend so he had less free time. Boredom is good for rock and roll. Mark and I decided to start a punk band with Peter. Peter would play bass and sing. I would play guitar and sing and Mark would play the drums. We decided to call it The Fourth Reich, a stupid name as we weren’t fascist or racist just young dumb and wanted to cause a reaction. My dad had grown up in Czechoslovakia under Nazi oppression and he has told me some horrific personal recollections from those days but that is a story in itself...'

Full article here: