Tuesday, 4 December 2012

2012 Cape Town Anarchist Bookfair

If, for just a moment, you watched or read in horror about the killing of the Marikana miners earlier this year and wondered how on earth it could be that this happened in our country or anywhere or in the first place at all; if you, even for just a second, questioned what this means about power-relations, economic distribution and political structures, or even had no such framed thinking but simply found yourself appalled by this reality so close to your doorstep; if you felt powerless or confused by the
images playing out in front of you, then the Anarchist Bookfair is for you.

Anarchy, anarchism, anarchist, synonyms and near alternatives are often discarded or regarded with great scepticism by many people. But all anarchists really stand for and desire is a free and just world for all. Isn’t that what most of us want?

It is in this spirit that we invite you to join us on 8 December 2012 for the second Annual South African Anarchist Bookfair at the Theatre Arts Collective on the corner of Wesley Street and Milton Road in Observatory, Cape Town.
Books will be aplenty. People will talk. (Not at you, but in conversation with you, to find solutions together.) Concepts will fly. A party shall be had! Come learn more about anarchism, its philosophy, its proud history of resistance and its visions for a sustainable, free and equal future. There will be a wide range of radical literature, music, movies, talks, yu-ummie vegan food and more. Doors open at 10am and close at 7pm, followed by an after-party in true anarchist style at the Armchair Backpackers & Pub around the corner from the bookfair.

As someone once said: “if you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone is thinking.”

Why not take your mind on the trip and find some novel thoughts with which to occupy it?

- loads of awesome books on anarchism and related subjects
- talks and workshops
- facilitated conversations on themes you suggest
- films throughout the day
- a Really Really Free Market
- an after-party with an eclectic mix of local musos
- naked insurrection in the streets

*** DETAILS ***
8 December
Theatre Arts Collective (cnr Wesley Str. and Milton Rd., Observatory, Cape Town)
After-party at the Armchair Backpackers and Pub from 7pm

*** OUR VALUES ***
The bookfair has a policy against authoritarian, oppressive, racist, sexist, queer-phobic, ableist, speciesist and other disrespectful behavior that works against collective liberation for all communities. Leave the prejudice, intolerance and domination at home! Actually, get rid of it altogether!

This space is kid friendly (music to parents’ ears!). We will have some delicious kid-liked food, face-painting, games and assorted activities, including supervision so that you can browse and stuff.

*** MORE INFO ***
For more information visit our website: www.anarchistbookfair.co.za or find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CTAnarchistBook

You can also email us at us@anarchistbookfair.co.za if you'd like to get involved in any way.

To view a map: http://maps.google.co.za/maps?f=q&source=embed&hl=en&geocode&q=wesley+and+milton+observatory&aq&sll=-33.915538%2C18.656059&sspn=1.985215%2C4.22699&ie=UTF8&hq&hnear=Milton+Rd%2C+Cape+Town%2C+Western+Cape+7925&t=m&z=14&ll=-33.937443%2C18.466316

Peace, love and anarchy,
The organisers of the 2012 Cape Town Anarchist Bookfair

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